At times of profound reflection I always go to the most eloquent rendering of one such occasion by one of the world's greatest statesman, Jawahar Lal Nehru, at the dawn of independent India's life:
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.
On Tuesday the soul of American democracy will indeed find a remarkably greater utterance as a seemingly unbreakable glass ceiling will be shattered forever - an African American will become President. But Barack Obama represents way more than just the hopes and dreams of African Americans. He represents the aspirations and hopes of all Americans and the larger global family. In him America and the world sees someone whose improbable story inspires optimism even in these uncertain economic times. Billions of prayers are being made for him as a person and a leader. He will need them.
It is not that Barack Obama will carry the weight of our collective aspirations but by sharing his faith in our collective destiny he has helped restore ours. Obama's humility and demeanor allow us to place him among the good-hearted, ordinary folk we interact with. While being like one of us he clearly has something special. His ordinariness makes him extraordinary. And my sincere hope is that he stays the way he is.
A friend of mine complained why so much money was being spent on the inauguration in such tough times. It's a legitimate question. But no matter how poor the parents the birth of a child is always celebrated. Similarly, no matter how materially challenged America may be the American spirit, the democratic spirit, the human spirit deserve to celebrate the coming off age of a great nation. After 233 years another chapter of the American revolution is being written. Moments such as these need to be captured in our consciousness so that they continue to remind us how far we have traveled and what all we have overcome. No doubt an even longer journey awaits but as we pause to take stock a cheer is in order for democracy.
Many have said that this inauguration is a culmination of Dr. King's dream. I feel that its fulfillment is still ways to go but we are certainly taking a giant leap in the right direction. But on his 80th birth anniversary it is hard to give him a better gift. America has realized the strength of character over the superficiality of color.
At Young India we are eagerly looking forward to working with the new administration. We will continue our efforts to steer the bilateral relationship in a direction that empowers both peoples.
Our voice is a part of the great chorus that is being sung to welcome a new President and hope for a more perfect union in America and among the larger community of nations.
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